Monday, July 8, 2013

Playing Ketchup

Fast forward through the last few months:

As with many of my projects, I tend to start things when I'm inspired and then abandon them as life gets in the way. I have spent such a long time planning and scheming for my beautiful food blog, and of course, I want it to be perfect. Then, life got in the way and everything was put on hold.

So here I am again, and its July.... and I think that I have some catch up to do. Spring flew by as I struggled through my last (and hardest) semester in college. It was only made busier with my two part time jobs and a dog to take care of, so I had little time for much else. Any free moment I did have usually ended up with me passing out from exhaustion (5pm bedtime? That's not weird, right?) It's hard to believe that my college days are now behind me...... the endless projects and hectic days are gone for now, but I'm relishing this new found free time.

Not that anything has really slowed down at all. Immediately after graduation I moved out of my pretty Philadelphia apartment, and a week later I was flying to Europe to stay in Italy for a month with my family. So now I am in a beautiful place surrounded by amazing food, and I think it is high time to share all of my experiences with you.